Lexing supports companies and organizations developing, marketing or using artificial intelligence tools.
Artificial intelligence offers new opportunities in many areas of human activity, through efficiency gains and innovative solutions. Artificial intelligence can therefore be a growth leverage for the companies.
The use of new tools does, however, entail risks, and the power of artificial intelligence raises fears, particularly about the ability to control it. These fears have been amplified by the dazzling success of ChatGPT, but also by the ease with which this type of tool can be hijacked for malicious use.
These concerns have led to a number of legislative initiatives, most notably the European regulation on artificial intelligence.
Analyzing compliance with the European AI Regulation is a crucial step in AI projects. Similarly, identifying contractual risks helps to ensure the legal security of a project and the subsequent exploitation of its results. The combination of these two elements makes it possible to meet the applicable constraints and reflect in contracts the key points for the implementation of an AI solution.
Anticipating these legal and contractual constraints helps to avoid subsequent modifications to a project and ensures compliance right from the design stage. This will give your project a significant competitive edge, in a field where it is crucial to be early on the market.
Thanks to its recognized expertise in innovation and technology law, Lexing has developed tools to support companies in their artificial intelligence projects:
- training materials for AI project teams;
- tools to help identify applicable rules;
- a range of solutions to facilitate the integration of these regulatory constraints into projects and the accompanying legal documents (practical information sheets, templates of contract clauses, etc.).
If you are looking for a reliable legal support for your AI projects, you can trust the Lexing team as your reference partner! We look forward to hearing from you!
Our expert partners
Our latest related publications/conferences
- ConférenceAlexandre CASSART
, “IA génératrice et médecine”, Symposium VOIR ( Vo tre I ntelligence Artificielle et la médecine personnalisée en R humatologie), 19 avril 2024.
- ConférenceAlexandre CASSART
, “L’IA au service des avocat”, Jeune Barreau de Charleroi, 20 février 2024.
, “Responsabilité contractuelle et extracontractuelle face à la robotisation et à l’IA”, in Les responsabilités et les garanties du vendeur en droit belge et en droit français - Approche de droit comparé, B. Dubuisson et P. Jourdain (coord.), Bruxelles, Larcier, 2024, pp. 1147-1310.
, “Responsabilité contractuelle et extracontractuelle face à la robotisation et à l’IA”, in Les responsabilités et les garanties du vendeur en droit belge et en droit français - Approche de droit comparé, B. Dubuisson et P. Jourdain (coord.), Bruxelles, Larcier, 2024, pp. 1147-1310.
- ConférenceAlexandre CASSART
, “IA génératrice et médecine”, Symposium VOIR ( Vo tre I ntelligence Artificielle et la médecine personnalisée en R humatologie), 19 avril 2024.
- ConférenceAlexandre CASSART
, “L’IA au service des avocat”, Jeune Barreau de Charleroi, 20 février 2024.
- ConférenceAlexandre CRUQUENAIRE, Alexandre CASSART, Chloé ANTOINE
“L’IA: balises et points d’attention juridiques”, speech during the webinar L’intelligence artificielle et les pouvoirs locaux –opportunités, enjeux et impacts potentiels, organised by l’Union des Villes et Communes de Wallonie, 8 April 2024
- ConférenceChloé ANTOINE, Alexandre CRUQUENAIRE, Laurent POULET
, “Cadre juridique de l’intelligence artificielle”, Formation CIFAF, Liège, 27 novembre 2023.
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