Our firm offers legal solutions to companies that organize online gaming and betting
The sector of leisure, gambling, and betting is booming. Thanks to the wide audience captured by international sport events, the gaming market exhibit tremendous dynamism.
In parallel, marketing services multiply playing opportunities and online games for promotion purposes. The gamification trend takes the form of constellations of smartphone applications, whether promotional or professional.
Flipside of the coin, it has never been so easy to get lost in a legal jungle: gaming and betting laws, information society services act, consumer protection laws, privacy laws, unfair competition, antitrust …
We’ll help you navigate through the regulations. Our firm has acquired extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of legislation with industry leaders.
Lexing offers you tailor-made services in the field of online gaming and betting
We offer a full range of legal services, including:
- the audit of your projects, both from the point of view of the legislation specific to gaming and betting, but also in all other areas, such as consumer protection, intellectual property, privacy rights, … ;
- the contractual framework or the compliance of your projects;
- the protection of your works against infringers and/or competitors;
- assistance in in all administrative proceedings and representation before regulation authorities.
Our goal is to provide you with clear, concrete and pragmatic solutions. We provide you with advice and assistance to frame your projects and companies. If necessary, we defend you before the courts and tribunals.
Our related e-services
Pack enregistrement nom de domaine
211,75 € TVAC
Pack création site web ET contrat type
1210 € TVAC
Pack création site web
605 € TVAC
Pack contrat hébergement ET contrat type
1210 € TVAC
Pack contrat hébergement
605 € TVAC
Pack conditions d’utilisation site web vitrine
453,75 € TVAC
Audit général site web
907,5 € TVAC
Our expert partners
Choose your lawyer from our team of creative lawyers who understand your business:
Pack enregistrement nom de domaine
211,75 € TVAC
Pack création site web ET contrat type
1210 € TVAC
Pack création site web
605 € TVAC
Pack contrat hébergement ET contrat type
1210 € TVAC
Pack contrat hébergement
605 € TVAC
Pack conditions d’utilisation site web vitrine
453,75 € TVAC
Audit général site web
907,5 € TVAC